Meditation Day 17

 My keto stick showed only trace ketones.  I feel a little disappointed this morning, but I don't dwell on that.  As a matter of fact, this morning my attention turns to how easily we can be pulled from our plan when the barely perceptible changes happening on a micro scale aren't seen at a macro level.

I stepped on the scale and I am up 1/2 lb from my Saturday morning weigh in.  It doesn't bother me, and here's why.  Because in the past several days I am spotting the trend of gradual weekly decline in weight with increase in muscle.

Now, I haven't measured my body fat composition, but here's what tells me I am changing.  My arms feel huge.  I feel super powerful. They don't look huge, but the muscles are frequently sore telling me there is breakdown and repair.  This breakdown and repair process also contributes to excess water.  When I looked in the mirror this morning, and I turned briefly, I saw a small cut in the bicep that I haven't seen for years.  I am inspired (even if it is only my imagination!)

In addition to my morning meditation, I'm watching YouTube videos about actors training for superhero roles.  It motivates and inspires me.  

I'm "flipping the script."  No focus on weight loss for me.  Fat loss will happen as part of my body transformation.  I will create a demand fror the energy by building muscles.  Starting today I will clear out of my lists everything that is focus on what I "don't want." 

I'm changing from "weight loss" to "body transformation" imagery and affirmations.  Size 6 here I come.  I'm all in.

My weekly goal for cardio has transitioned to 30 minutes of HIIT in addition to my goal of 10,000 steps per day.  I'm not meeting the goal of 70K per week.  I'm more in the 40K per week range.  I have a company to run, so finding the balance is a challenge.

Today is Wednesday, and this last part of the week is usually easier for me to get my steps in since my staff is very busy on the work we laid out on Monday and Tuesday.  It's also very nice weather here, and going outside is a priority for me.

My water goal of 1 gallon per day is coming in at the 2 1/2 to 3 quarts per day average.  

I think my lower ketone level is due to eating too much protein yesterday.  I ate very clean, but there were too many veggies + protein to stay at the macro ratio for true ketosis.

I believe that if I was perfect in steps, water, and macros the weight the transformation would be much quicker.

The good news is that the transformation is still happening.  Every day, in every way, I am better and better.
