After two full days of keto focused effort, I saw another .2 lbs lost. From a pure scale perspective, this is the same number I posted on January 3. The difference is that I have completed three weeks of dedicated workouts. My waist feels stronger, as if it is pulling in.
Last night I had pour of scotch. We were watching football (the final games to see who advanced to the Super Bowl). I was busy completing my cooking tasks and chatting with my daughters via text. I wanted my O'Douls, but having discovered that they have 18 grams of carbohydrate, I have to wait until I am past the first week of ketosis. I told Alan, I either drink an O'Douls or I eat food. Scotch doesn't have carbohydrates, so I chose that instead.
This was the first alcohol I have consumed in 10 days. It was just ok. I did not feel compelled to have another drink. Iw as more focused on completing the cooking tasks I had scheduled. I am getting ready to do a fast, so I wanted to have things prepared for Alan ahead of time.
As my coffee was brewing this morning, I meditated on my Bible verse for today: 2 Timothy 1:12
I was thinking about faith even amongst trials. God is always faithful. He always shows up for me in the most spectacular way. And when compared to how I was going to solve my problem, well, there is absolutely no comparison with the simple ease and grace of His gifts to me.
Yesterday, Alan and I completed a 17 minute BodyFlow stretching video under my LesMills account. He was so happy with it that he asked to do another one this morning followed by a meditation video. What a lovely way to start a Monday morning. We had a 12 minute stretch followed by a 10 minute meditation in which I extended gratitude for my life.
I wonder, what is it like to get up every day with such intense gratitude to be alive, that everything else just looked easy. Just because something is important doesn't mean it has to be hard.
As I sip my cinnamon tea with ginger, I allow the strong flavor to bring me into the present moment where I am so deeply grateful for my family, for my career, for the United States.
I'm working with a modified version of Meredith Shirk's 24 Hour Metabolish Flush.
Instead of her smoothie (I don't have the ingredients), I used my Primal Kitchen vanilla coconut protein shake with a Scoop of Vital Proteins collagen. The total is 125 calories, and it stays within my keto requirements.