As Cristi Code Red recommended, I weighed myself again this morning first thing. I was down two ounces from yesterday. Last night I didn’t drink alcohol again. As it was a Monday, I didn’t get outside until late in the day. Mondays are usually full of meetings even though yesterday was a holiday. My cardio was steady state walking for 3 1/2 miles. I’m going to try to get my HIIT tomorrow morning before work and also Thursday afternoon pickle ball if my schedule and weather cooperates.
I was spot on regarding my nutrition, but I could have used a bit more fat to really push the keto. I’ve already recorded today’s meals so its just a matter of following the plan.
I had a great arm series video this morning that I accomplished here in my hotel room with 10 lb weights and bands. I’ll share it below.
I think the meditation is helping me to better gauge my actual hunger. This is huge. In the meditation there is a statement about letting go of the “shoulds.” That made me really consider my shoulds. I should eat at regular times. No, I should eat when I am hungry. I should finish my plate. No, I should eat until I am full. As a matter of fact my default thought right now is that I can eat whatever it takes to fill me, but start with less since I have a weird fear of missing out.
Wow, now that I typed that FOMO statement, it explains a lot about my relationship with food. I love savory foods. My favorite food is tacos. When we were kids, I would come home late from dance class, and if there were tacos or enchiladas I would always eat too much. This came from the perception that I was starving from my exercise and also a habit I developed when we all at the table together. I didn’t want my brother to have more tacos than me. (Of course I was a silly child.)
But now considering that, I get to the root of the problem. You see, up until now, I’ve had some great coaches and teachers. Everyone talks about food as comfort, food for boredom, etc. I never really felt like I had that problem, but I couldn’t put my finger on what really is the problem. It’s FOMO.
It’s also alcohol induced behavior. I haven’t had a drink since last Thursday evening’s post golf celebration with our neighbors. It’s not that scores were worth celebrating, its just that the day was lovely and we enjoyed visiting with the Webers. In any case, it is clear to me that I eat more when I’m drinking not because I’m bored, but because I “feel” hungry.
I felt hungry last night after working out, but a little celery with peanut butter did the trick. I was refreshed enough to cook dinner which I did not over eat. I genuinely felt full with a smallish serving.
My fitness goals for 2021 are:
1. Gain 50 lbs of muscle
2. Lose 85 lbs of fat
I don't even know if this is possible. I'll go for #1, and then I believe significant progress towards #2 will happen.
These are the supplements I'm taking in my effort to build muscle. These were recommended by my Axiom trainer. I'm also taking a fat burner when I can remember to do it 30 minutes before my meals.