Meditation Day 6, No Weight Change

 I feel better in my body than I have in a few weeks, but my weight is not dropping.  I measured myself last night, and my measurements are the same as last summer.  My legs are a bit smaller. I am conflicted in all of this and can’t see my way clearly.  Here’s what I know:

1. Stay Keto - I am doing this but maybe I’m making a mistake.  I need to measure this to see if I am really producing ketones.  I’ll pick up some strips this afternoon.

2. My arms seem tighter, not smaller.  There is not as much jiggle to them.

3. If my goal is to gain 50 lbs of muscle, then maybe its going to be a while before I see the scale move.  I am going to stick with the meditation for the month.  The image of me becoming lean and strong is coming more into focus with each day’s visualization.

4. When I transformed my body in 1997, I didn’t weigh myself at all. I changed my diet and I changed my fitness.  It was others who noticed that my body was changing.  I saw a change in my clothing.

I feel stronger.  I am not giving up.  I know that everything I am doing is good for me.  I haven’t had a drink in over a week.  This is a huge accomplishment.

At some point, this muscle I am building is going to make demands for feeding that my meals don’t provide, that’s when it should start pulling from my stomach.
