Hacking, Hacking, Hacking

What's with the title?  A hack is a cut with rough or heavy blows.  We use it to mean doing something to be effective even though it may not be clean and precise.  A hack is a quick method of dealing with a problem.  My weight continues to be a problem.  I am impatient.  Now that I'm committed to getting this off of me, I am looking for additional tweaking strategies all the while knowing that permanent weight loss is about the consistent 10% change rather than the Biggest Loser approach.

It occurred to me yesterday as we were hiking that I am so very undisciplined these days.  I have so many blessings and resources in my life that I don't defer or earn rewards.  It occurred to me on several occassions that drinking alcohol was not always part of my life.  When I was in my best physical shape, I rarely had alcohol.  My coping mechanism was truly prayer and worship.  I had a lot of unresolved issues, so its not that I want to return to that time.  I want to create a new, better version of me.  One that has the body I used to have, but doesn't have fear and sorrow.

As I double down my efforts to lose weight, I have decided not to drink alcohol for now.  I might have some in the future like champagne at a celebration, but it's not going to be a daily "reward" for getting through the day.  I have been picking on others for their "thank God, it's Friday" attitudes and here I am saying (metaphorically), "thank God, it's happy hour."  Shame on me for the hypocrisy.

I adopted the habit yesterday of weighing myself every day again.  I really like this gal for her "tough coach" approach.  You might like her, too.  I've read her testimonials and it looks like she really helps folks.   I am not, however, a joiner so this is not for me.  I think it could help a lot of people who do not have a support network.

Cristy Code Red is actually from Idaho, so maybe we'll run into each other one day.  She would be fun to hang out with sometime to hear her story.  I'm sending her some link love for her 10 lb weight loss challenge as a return for all of the entertainment she has provided me the past few weeks.

She recommends weighing yourself every day as well as drinking water.  My trainer had already reinforced the need to drink a gallon of water every day.  How have I been doing with that?  Hit and miss.  Every day I try to get a gallon, but I usually achieve 1/2 gallon to 3/4.  I wonder if that's because I am not convinced it is essential.  I mean, academically, I believe it.  But I'm not acting like a truly believer.  So that's interesting.

I was cleaning out my pinterest board this morning.  This is kind of a theme for me, cleaning out.  My Pinterest boards, my One Note, my desktop, my dropbox.  I usually avoid it because it gives me anxiety.  Can you believe it?  I'm a digital hoarder.

I have kept notes and digital items for over 10 years.  My notebooks are full of goals and want tos.  If you know me then you know I am always game for something new and exciting.  I've taught it to my kids.  I'd say my number one regret every day is that there is not time to do all of the things I want to do.  I am a glutton for life and experiences.  So, I pin or write everything down.  This allows me to cope with the passing thought or want without reacting.  I can pin it or write it down so that I don't lose the idea.  Later, if I look at it, I have an opportunity to evaluate whether it is really something I want to consider.

After awhile, if I don't clean it up, I have this pile of ideas that I'm afraid to delete without reviewing.  Sometimes it is competitor research that didn't get captured other places that would be a lost investment in time.  Other times it is a list of ideas that I've actually implemented in the company.  I always intend to do an annual purge, but it rarely happens to the extent needed.  I find it hard to allocate the time to purge, but something keeps telling me it is essential.

While purging this morning, I found a hypnosis video for weight loss.  The video suggests a 30 day challenge to listen every day.  Several folks have given the video positive reviews.  So, I tried it.  

Ordinarily I have trouble sitting still for a half hour.  Two or three times during the video my mind wandered and I considered bailing out of it.  My brain, however, said "don't sabotage yourself, stay".  So I stayed.

I am pretty optimistic about the session.  I think I'll do it again tomorrow.
